Cook: Banana Bread for Poor Knights of Windsor
A recipe from Berkshire, England for “Poor Knights of Windsor” reads like supper for a real man – Brandy and lard drenched pain perdu with lashings of jam, sugar or cinnamon atop. Banana Bread has the eggs, fruit, cinnamon and…
Cook: Pound Cake revisited – Crunchy Butter Cake
A comfort standard. Perfect for a chilly spring day with an under-the-weather child. My daughter is at home today and we wanted to tempt her with dishy things healing and yummy. Rice paper rolls filled with egg crepe, lettuce, grated…
Cook: To Fry Sprats. Omega 3 breakfast richness.
These omega 3 rich, fatty fish are, according to a dear Mrs. Loftus from Southwold, a delicious and naturally nutritious breakfast. Start your day with a boost for your brain, with oils from real, sustainably caught fish, rather than a…
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