Cook: Banana Bread for Poor Knights of Windsor
A recipe from Berkshire, England for “Poor Knights of Windsor” reads like supper for a real man – Brandy and lard drenched pain perdu with lashings of jam, sugar or cinnamon atop. Banana Bread has the eggs, fruit, cinnamon and…
Cook: Delicious Home-made Bread ‘made with Yeast’. Gluten Free. Two Ways
Miss Veronica Cook provided this recipe in 1931. ‘Home-made and made with Yeast’ Florence White is full of wonderful tips for baking breads – both different yeasted breads and soda breads. She tells us that many of the old recipes…
Cook: Sourdough, Gluten Free. A far cry from Bath and Sally Lunn’s Buns
Sourdough. Bread. This is a book in itself. We went to Bath on the weekend. Sally Lunn’s is a Bath institution and her buns do not escape Florence White’s attention. They are eggy, creamy, and contain small beer yeast as…
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