Cook: Pir Gam. That is, Pear Jam. Failsafe
Jam is an essential part of the English food tradition. Without it, what can we possibly put on our toast, wiggs or gluten free muffins and scones? Good Things In England has a few things to say about Pears. While…

Cook: Celery Fritters – gluten free (and FAILSAFE); a recipe from 1744
Florence White’s recipe for frying celery is taken from a Kitchen Garden book from 1744, called Adam’s Luxury and Eve’s Cookery. I found the book at the British Library and was eager to see why Florence had picked this recipe…

Cook: Mayonnaise & Tartare Sauce…”He little knows of England
who only England knows.” Charles Esme Francatelli was an Englishman born and bred, and prided himself on that fact, but he had inherited a gift for cooking from his Italian forebears and also had the advantage of being a pupil…

Cook: To Fry Sprats. Omega 3 breakfast richness.
These omega 3 rich, fatty fish are, according to a dear Mrs. Loftus from Southwold, a delicious and naturally nutritious breakfast. Start your day with a boost for your brain, with oils from real, sustainably caught fish, rather than a…

Cook: Honey Brandy Butter – or Florence White’s “American Sauce”
We can’t have a pudding receipt without Brandy Butter to accompany it. No refined sugar please. Every recipe out there seems to have more icing sugar added than it contains butter! It’s just not necessary and such sweetness leaves an…

Travel & Cook: Autumnal Scottish Fare Part I – Your Gratin, Miss Barrowman’s Custard?
Toasty Gratin of Haddock with Creamy Scotch Goat’s Cheese The tangled bine-stems scored the sky Like strings of broken lyres, And all mankind that haunted nigh Had sought their household fires.* This dish is bold in its simplicity. Its…
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